Our Mission Statement

Sispro Inc. is committed to providing sustainable energy solutions to communities while empowering and uplifting women, girls, and the communities they serve.

Our Core Values



We are committed to providing sustainable energy solutions that help protect the environment and combat climate change.



We believe in empowering and uplifting women in the energy sector and beyond.



We embrace innovative and forward-thinking solutions that help us meet the ever-changing needs of our customers and the energy industry.



We value collaboration and believe in working with our customers, partners, and stakeholders to achieve shared goals and create transformative change.



We believe in transparency and honesty in all our dealings, and we strive to communicate clearly and openly with our customers, partners, and stakeholders.



We uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior and professionalism in everything we do.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Sispro, a women-led energy company, has the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in underserved communities, particularly for women and girls, while also promoting clean energy. By utilizing the revenues from oil and gas exploration, Sispro can provide a source of financing for the development of marginalized communities and the promotion of human rights, equity and inclusion. In this proposal, we will outline a comprehensive plan for Sispro to achieve its goals. 

The proposed project aims to create sustainable social and economic development for underserved communities by using oil and gas exploration revenues to establish clean energy infrastructure, provide financing for community development, promote women’s and girls’ education and protection, and protect the environment.

Sispro will use the oil and gas revenues to fund the development of clean energy infrastructure in underserved communities, including solar energy systems,  wind turbines and mangrove protection, which are suitable for tropical climates. This infrastructure will reduce carbon emissions and enhance economic potential while promoting sustainable energy practices.

The revenues generated from oil and gas exploration will also be used to finance community development projects. This funding will support infrastructure projects such as roads, schools, and health clinics, providing a better quality of life for community members. By addressing the basic needs of the community, Sispro can help create a foundation for long-term development.

Sispro will allocate a portion of the revenues to fund education programs specifically targeting women and girls in underserved communities. These programs will focus on STEM education and vocational training in renewable energy technologies, empowering women and girls to be leaders in the clean energy sector. Additionally, the programs will provide life skills training to enhance their socio-economic well-being.

Sispro recognizes that sexual violence is a significant challenge faced by women and girls in underserved communities. The company will work with local organizations and community leaders to develop programs that protect women and girls from sexual violence and provide access to justice and legal support for survivors. Additionally, Sispro will work to increase awareness and promote gender equality to eliminate gender-based violence.

Sispro will engage with the communities where it operates to ensure that the project’s success is achieved. The company will work closely with community leaders and stakeholders to identify their needs and priorities and ensure the project’s sustainability. Transparency and accountability will also be emphasized to build trust.

All proposed project aligns with Sispro’s values and vision of creating a sustainable future. By using oil and gas revenues to invest in underserved communities, promote women’s and girls’ education, protect them from sexual violence, and establish clean energy infrastructure, Sispro can positively impact the lives of thousands of people. We believe that the success of this project is dependent on community engagement, transparency, and accountability, and we look forward to partnering with communities to achieve these goals.